Thursday 22 December 2011

The end of Occupations

During the last seven months, many educational institutions along Chile have been on a take, this means that universities and schools have been occupied by the students, expressing their discontent about the actual educational system in Chile.
Even though these occupations have been positive as a pressure method for the government and have meant a new way for the students to express themselves and be related to society, the truth is that so far now, most of the petitions asked by the mobilized students haven’t been heard or accomplished.
Nowdays, two of the most representative occupations have ended, the well known boys school: Instituto Nacional and the prestigious institution, Universidad de Chile. Both gave the take away voluntarily, so that next year classes can start normally.
There are still many universities and schools that haven’t deposed the occupations, like Liceo Carmela Carvajal, where the students that are inside the take have been busy this whole time organizing activities to keep the movement going.
Hopefully, both sides (mobilized students and government) will come to an agreement and future generations will have a better education. 


  1. It's a good post that refers about the lastest situation in relation to education in Santiago. I like it. =D

    Mariana Rodríguez, 3th B

  2. Nice post, it is nice to see something that says the truth about what is going on with goverment, they are definitely not listening to what a whole country is asking for, i hope they will do something next year because what they did this year was nothing, 9 months on strike wasn't enough for them.

    kelsey Calderon Lowe

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  5. Ohh... I saw the end of the occupation of the Universidad de Chile. It was very sad. There wasn't people selling their handicrafts or books or things like this. Also the universities were fighting. The place now looks without life.
    Constanza Tobar Tapia, 3°A

  6. The current social state of chile is really interesting and incredible.

    María Francisca Vásquez 3°B
